Innovance Partners Co. Ltd.

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Perspectives on Innovation

Members of Innovance Partners’ leadership team have over 20 years each in innovation, business development, and growth strategy.  Our experience drives the following beliefs:


Breakthrough innovation is possible at any time, in any industry
• During economic downturns, most firms focus exclusively on survival, providing opportunities for innovators
• Slow-growth industries provide as much opportunity for successful innovation as fast-growth industries
• Innovation is about driving sustained commercial success – not PR

Creativity and robust market insights are keys to successful ideas
• Unmet consumer needs, competitor blind-spots, industry trends, and your unique advantages are inputs for creating breakthrough products
• Creativity can be taught and systematized

Ideas can be de-risked to build robust business cases for innovation
• Identification and reduction of the risks of new product ideas is key for successful launch
• Innovation is possible in all aspects of the business model – not just the “product,” but how it is made, how it is sold, who it is sold to, etc.

Innovation isn’t just the job of top leadership or high-performers
• Bottom-of-the-pyramid employees often best understand consumers and have the best ideas
• Skills, tools, processes, and culture are necessary for innovations to be shared across the organization
• Customers and partnerships can be important sources of innovation

Sustainable innovation requires real-world learning
• The best way to learn about innovation is by innovating: developing real commercializable products
• Senior Innovance leaders work on-the-ground with client teams to develop insights, transfer knowledge, and create buy-in for innovation

Innovance Partners pragmatically meets your challenges with a broad range of tailored services, including consulting, research, workshops, and training. Learn more.